Entries by Ian White

Can you keep a .EU domain after Brexit?

Before we all start panicking that UK registrants of .eu domain names will lose them after Brexit, it’s best to remember that it’s all a LITTLE while off yet. But it’s not too far away, (writing this in early April 2018), so it’s best to keep an ear to the ground if you’ve got a .eu domain name as a UK registrant.

Choosing the Right Keywords for your Business

Whilst the overarching aim of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is to make your website more visible through search engines, this objective probably needs a further qualification. The best SEO practice will be the approach that puts your website in front of the right people for your business. Choosing the right keywords plays a definitive role […]

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Digital Marketing for Manufacturers

Why manufacturers should embrace the internet Advertising and marketing have been with us in the UK since the dawn of the industrial revolution, when manufacturers recognised the need to create a demand for their products. So Josiah Wedgewood advertised his pottery to the middle class masses by word of mouth, newspapers came along and displayed […]

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Websites for manufacturing firms

Different styles of websites used by manufacturing companies Manufacturing firms often present a paradox; there’s a long history of innovation in manufacturing to open new markets, but at the same time many manufacturers are using sales and marketing platforms that are well past their sell by date. (Think overseas sales agents and trade shows). It’s […]

A newbie’s guide to blogging

The How to Blog Guide I was chatting with Lee Hezzlewood from Secure Thinking (the Internet Security specialists) the other day. Lee blogs regularly because he’s immersed in his industry – he’s passionate about it and knows it inside out. He’s doing the right thing. We all used to read books by ‘authorities’ to get […]


Why responsive web design?

Remember going to a website on your mobile phone and having to take about three trial runs at hitting the right menu item? That’s because God made our fingers too fat to tap on tiny text on our tiny little mobile phone windows effectively. But visit a responsive website design on your mobile phone and […]

Keep tabs on Santa this Christmas

Where’s Santa? So, let’s say you’re a jolly fat man in a red and white coat and you want to deliver millions of toys to children on a HUGE long list. Your GPS is broken and you’re on a pretty tight deadline. How do you know where to tell your reindeer to guide your magical […]